Thursday 29 December 2016

RECEIPT OF CYLINDERS by gas cylinder Company

(a)       Cylinders are received from :

(i)     Associated filling plant.
(ii)    Other filling Plants. 

(b)       The cylinders received at the plant should be supported by proper accounting documents and should be checked against the particulars given therein.

(c)       The cylinders received for statutory testing, must be stored in a covered shed, if they are not in ‘gas-free’ condition at the time of receipt.

9.1.1              VERIFICATION OF AGE PROFILE                                                              

(a)       Before the cylinders are taken for statutory testing, the last test  date  punched on the cylinder stay plates should be verified. The cylinder should be taken for re-test only when it is due as per statutory regulations or if the re-test is required for any other specific purpose.

(b)       At this stage, the serial  number of  the  cylinders, date of last  test and the name of the cylinder manufacturers should be checked and recorded.


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